A ground smash, which you can dodge by dodging backwards, and an arm swipe which hurts quite a bit and is difficult to dodge. A big jump, when it jumps to where you are and smashes, sort of, dealing no damage but a large knockback. If, and when it appears, try to make priorities on what you need to do, cause chances are if you're as unlucky as I am, it'll come with hordes or packmasters and the like. It'll take a lot to kill this guy so you'll need your whole team on it. I mean, it can really take a beating and dish it right back out. It's crazy and immensely, TERRIFYINGLY strong.

*Breathing Intensifies* #Find Out More ]ĭon't say I didn't save the best for last! The rat ogre. (Fun Fact: On Cataclysm, Stormvermin can instakill you with their downwards swing.) The individual ones you gotta kill though. Patrols will walk around the map and can be avoided. The most common beginner mistake is getting the attention of a wandering Stormvermin Patrol, so if you hear something resembling marching sounds and the militaristic squeaks of these buggers, get onto your chat log and warn your friends to hide. They are far less numerous on the map, thank the Emperor, but are each quite dangerous, not to mention a whole patrol of them. We'll talk more about that in a while too. Only attacks with Armor Penetration will manage to make a difference. Carrying polearms and fully clad in armor, these guys pack a wallop and most of your attacks don't even seem to get through. The Stormvermin are the slightly larger, more combat efficient versions of the generic Clanrat.